
Founder and User Experience Director at Keikendo.

Consultant in User Experience (UX), Usability and Information Architecture.

Juan Manuel began his career in 1995 and in 2000 began working in the user experience field as an Information Architect. Then he held various positions as a researcher, usability consultant and UX leader.

He worked in technology companies, consultancy firms, interactive agencies and as an independent professional, developing projects in Latin America and the USA for customers of a wide range of industries and services.

He has worked for some of the most important companies and organizations in Argentina as Intel, YPF, Banco Santander, Grupo Techint, Molinos Rio de la Plata, Cablevision, Petrobras, Banco Galicia, Guía Oleo, Grupo Clarin,, National Communications Commission (CNC), Ministry of Education,  Neoris and Emepa Group.

He is a lecturer, academic advisor and regular speaker at seminars and events related to usability and user experience.

Member of the organizing committee of IxDA (Interaction Design Association) in its chapter of Buenos Aires.

Juan Manuel obtained a Degree in Social Communication from the University of Buenos Aires and a Master in Economics and Business Administration in ESEADE.

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